
Monday 6 August 2012

Tamaki Olympic Opening Ceremony

On Friday 27 July 2012 we had our own opening ceremony in Tamaki Intermediate   school. Our whole school decided to have its own Olympic  Games. Each class is divided into two countrys room 8 was China and South Africa room 12 was New Zealand and USA and room 7 was Jamaica  and Australia.

First  we had to make  a plan to see what groups we were all in, my name was called out and I got to be in Australia and then I was so excited that my name was called out in the other group and my group was Jamaica and I was excited again,then we did our flag after that we got ready to paint our  face.After that we had to go to the hall but we went out side of the hall.

The first country to go inside the hall was China,South Africa,New Zealand,USA,Jamacia and then Australia.Mr Horran spok then Mr Utanga spok after all that talking we all went out side country by country.When we all went outside we had to sit in lines.We had to listen for the introductions.The first two people had to go were the starting line.In my group was me and Ianeta,we had to put our legs together and get a rope and tie it  to our legs.We came first so we went in the finals.

In the finals there  were two groups of Jamaica,two groups of USA and one group of South Africa. First that won was USA followed by USA again then came the bronze medal  was Jamacia. We were so proud of each other.

On Friday 3 August 2012 we had to go to the hall for our assembly.Then  we had to go out side and Mr Uatanga,Mrs Baker and Mr West gave us some introductions on how to play the games. Jamaica had to vs South Africa for lifting up sand with the buckets.South Africa won out of the boys and for the girls South Africa won because catalina  was the only girl and ofa did not  have a rest so that is why they won that round.

For the spoon and the tennies race.We had to sit in two line and Mr West told us the introductions.We had to see who was the fastes race.First was South Africa the first person to get to the line was Jordan.Then it was my group,Ianeta was the first one in my group.In the finals was two people from each countrys was Ianeta and Ili and in the other country was Catalina  and  Jordan.The first person to finished was Laneta.

For the frisbee game we had to line up in two lines,then Mrs Baker told us how to play the game.After that we played the game South Africa was winning  but we caught up to them and we won the game the score was 19 to 17 Jamaica was 19 and South Africa had 17.

We all had to go back to the shelter and we had to see who won for the lifting up the sand.The girls was first and Alyson won first then catalina and then Josephine.The first boy to win was Chris then Peter and then Jeffrey.

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